Privacy Statement

Tomos TV Ltd (‘Tomos TV’) is an independent television production company based in Cardiff.

Tomos TV is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals and complies with all relevant data protection laws and regulations. The Privacy Policy sets out how Tomos TV collects and uses information about individuals, including those who are involved in the programmes produced.

Contact Tomos TV’s data protection officer if you have any questions or concerns by writing to:

The Data Protection Officer
Tomos TV Ltd
Crichton House
12 Mount Stuart Square
Cardiff CF10 5EE

Tomos TV may collect and process personal information for several reasons including:

Operating the business effectively and lawfully;
As part of programme-making and other activities;
Responding to queries from members of the public.
Individuals may provide personal information when contacting us by phone, e-mail, or online. This may be in connection with a television programme or for some other reason.


Individuals may provide Tomos TV with personal information in connection with an application for a job e.g. name, contact information and other relevant details such as career background, qualifications and experience which may be in the form of a CV. CV’s will be stored securely for as long as deemed necessary. They may be deleted after five years.

Tomos TV may carry out identity checks and background checks and receive information from others to assess suitability for opportunity.

Tomos TV may collect other information, including sensitive personal information. Where that is the case, Tomos TV will provide an individual with further information, why Tomos TV needs it, the lawful basis upon which information is held and processed etc.

Appearance in Tomos TV Programmes:

If you appear in a programme produced by Tomos TV, we will process personal information contained in footage used in the programme including your image and potentially a wide range of personal information revealed by you or by others relating to you.

Data protection law recognises certain “special categories” of personal information, which is information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic information, biometric information for uniquely identifying a person, information concerning health, and information concerning a person’s sex life or sexual orientation. Information relating to criminal offences and convictions is treated in a similar way.

Tomos TV will only collect and use special categories information where you have given it your explicit consent, where it has a legal obligation to do so or where it is satisfied that the special purposes journalistic exemption (or another exemption) applies.

Sharing information with third parties:

Personal information is processed by Tomos TV’s employees and staff, sometimes using third parties who are contractually engaged to provide services to Tomos TV e.g. accountancy services, legal and IT services. Tomos TV may need to share information with other organisations including companies involved with programme and business activities e.g. broadcasters, post-production houses, distributors, broadcasting regulators (Ofcom), the police or other regulatory bodies as required by law in connection with the investigation of crimes.

Wherever information is shared by Tomos TV with a third-party organisation, it will ensure there are contractual guarantees in place to make sure it is processed in line with all relevant data protection laws and regulations.

There are several lawful bases upon which Tomos TV may collect and process personal information including:

Where Tomos TV enters into a contract with you, it may need to use your information to fulfil the contract or in order to take steps prior to entering into the contract;

Tomos TV may be under a legal obligation to process an individual’s personal information;

Tomos TV may process personal information with the consent of an individual. Where that is the case, Tomos TV will inform the individual and seek explicit consent before processing information;

Sometimes it may be necessary for Tomos TV to process your personal information for the purposes of its own legitimate interests. Tomos TV will only do so where these interests are not overridden by your own interests and fundamental rights or freedoms.

Tomos TV may also rely on the special purposes journalism exemption when it processes personal data in connection with its public interest journalism.

Safeguarding Personal Information:

Tomos TV implements measures to ensure that an individual’s data is kept safe and secure e.g. by storing it securely and by keeping electronic data on secure servers and hard drives with appropriate levels of security. Tomos TV is based in the UK; however, the business is international which means there may be a need to transfer personal information to organisations outside the European Economic Area (EEA). In the event this is the case, Tomos TV will ensure that adequate safeguards are taken to ensure the safety and security of personal information and that it is processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

If you are featured or are participating in a programme, Tomos TV is likely to retain personal information for as long as is necessary to exploit the programme in accordance with the Company’s legitimate interests and legal obligations.

Personal information that is no longer required will be destroyed.

Individual’s Rights:

An individual has several rights in respect of personal information.
These include the right to request:

access to the personal information that Tomos TV hold;
that Tomos TV do not process an individual’s personal data for direct marketing purposes;
that inaccurate information held is corrected;
that information is deleted;
that information is provided to an individual in a secure portable format; and
the restriction or suppression of Tomos TV’s processing of personal information.
Individuals also have the right to object to the processing of their personal data where Tomos TV’s lawful basis for processing that data is its legitimate interest in television programme making.

An individual’s Rights are not absolute and are limited to certain defined circumstances. Accordingly, Tomos TV may not be able to comply with all requests. If the basis of processing personal data is ‘consent’ an individual has the right to withdraw consent at any time.

Contact the Information Commissioner’s Office if you have concerns about the way in which personal data has been processed by Tomos TV:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF

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